ENART and Scenar protocol for Hepatitis C
1. Direct influence on the spinal column is effected by means of Three Pathways, i.e. along the spinal column and along both sides of the spinal column at 3-5 cm distance from the spinal column line.
2. Projection of the liver (in front, from behind, from the side).
3. Reflex zones of the gall bladder:
a) frontal projection;
b) postetior projection of the gall bladder;
c) interscapular area at the right on the level of the middle of the scapulas;
d) At the right side from the jugular notch.
4. Projection of the pancreas.
5. Cervico-occipital area.
6. Projection of the large intestine.
7. Palms.
8. The area of the jugular notch and the area beneath, along the medial line of the sternum (the projection of the thymus (gland), immunity).
9. 4LI (II) – the point of “eternal” youth, a basic regulating point on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger.
Work with the device on problem area.
Put the device onto the area below the ribs, at the right side: – moving slowly and as deeply as possible.
Move over the skin smoothly, without taking the device off, from above and to the right costal margin.
In a thin patient it is possible a contraction of the abdomen muscles will occur. This is a good health-improving technique.
Try to provoke this contraction of the abdomen muscles but ensure this doesn’t cause painful sensations in patient.
During the early stages of recovery it is possible to increase the symptoms, these will pass within a few days. This is known as a healing crisis.
Course of treatment: – 10-15 sessions.
Three months after the first course of treatment carry out another series of 10-15 sessions.
After another three months have passed, carry out an examination of the patient.
Victor Kendal AAMET, CThA
United Kingdom