ENART, Scenar, Prologue Devices Testimonials

I have been using the ENART 906 everyday and night and yesterday my mum visited who has a very bad case of Tennis Elbow, after four sessions over 12 hours her arm was no longer tender nor sore (using Diagnost and Constant Modes) and afterwards I was able to massage the tendon so to help break down the calcium build up.
The ENART on me has started to take away the pain throughout my body, I have many symptoms and major Pain Zones because of playing far too many sports and not enough resting between the various activities and not getting the injuries gained fixed.
Even yoga has been too painful for the past year, but this week I feel I can get back to yoga (yes that quickly), the ENART is certainly making a difference, last night was my 1st full night unbroken sleep for a year at least.
Having the ENART at home and ready to use any time is definitely an advantage.

Ray Mashiter, United Kingdom


I had given myself an ENART treatment about 8 hours before my surgery – on my right knee that was aching a bit.
The surgery was on my left foot.
I did not have any pain for over 24 hours and then only minor pain. I had been set up for morphine drip after surgery and it was eventually removed unused. The nurses were amazed!

Nanette Аnderson, Australia

I have used the ENART mostly on myself but occasionally on friends here in France or in UK and Ireland with Musculo skeletal problems. Whenever I have localized pain e.g. in my neck or lower back I find a prolonged treatment at night works very well.
My Grandson aged 9 in Ireland had head pains for which he received X rays, MRI scans and all sorts of investigations. I found he was a keen footballer and the base of his skull was very painful from heading the ball. He actually had neuralgia of the great occipital nerve – a common cause of headache. A short course of treatment with the ENART plus explanation rapidly cured the problem.

Alan Byron, France

Your company has maintained the highest integrity of any of the companies that I have seen in the scenar, enart business.
This is extremely important to me because I believe that a device made and delivered with integrity will bring better results to individuals.
I truly believe that your intention is to help people help themselves and you do deliver the best device on the market.

Tami Draper, USA

I am using the ENART device every day in my clinic – collecting information and gaining understanding on how best to apply the device.
Also I am beginning to get a sense of when the patient has had enough treatment – when the body has started to respond and the initiation of changes in the body are occurring.
I did not expect this to happen but I am developing an empathy with the 906, a kind of unification of mind and machine as we are working together. Very exciting.

Alastair McLoughlin, UK

Recently I had dental work and by that evening the tooth was very sensitive to hot and cold. After dinner, the whole jaw became extremely painful and I am thankful that I had the ENART! Within about 20 minutes it took away that awful pain and it hasn’t come back.
Many thanks for your continued support

Pat Victor, USA

Some of the clients I see have got these results:
I have been seeing a 17-year-old young lady that had scoliosis to the extent that her physical body was crooked. I have been seeing her since November of 2006 using the Scenar until I got the Enart in January. Her hips are now almost even and she can stand up straight. There were more results in 2 sessions with the Enart doing the three path ways, sciatic release, and SCM than the 2 months we had been using the Scenar device.

Another gentleman’s right ankle was locked, he had no mobility at all. We have been working with the Scenar for about 4 months and had made a slight improvement. One session with the Enart gave him more mobility than he had been able to ever get.

Another Lady has 3 herniated disks in her lumbar. Debilitating pain all the time, I had seen her about 4 years ago and within a few months made a slight improvement with the Scenar, but was never able to keep the pain away for longer than a day or two. I started seeing her again after I got the Enart. Within three weeks she has been able to minimize the pain from 10 to about 2-3 on a daily basis lasting 5-6 days at a time.

A 23-year-old female was in a car accident and her head hit the windshield. She had severe pain in her head and face. I used the Scenar and did not get a permanent release of the pain. One treatment including the trigeminal nerves and the sternoclydomastoid and the pain has not returned.

I see approximately 25 clients a week using the devices. I use the devices with the meridians and the five elements as well as the treatment areas on the trunk of the body. I have not had a client that has not had noticeably better results with the Enart than the Scenar. I would be happy to send you as many results as you want.

Tami Draper, USA

I also have a customer who is very impressed with the Enart technology. It was fascinating to see his face change from a dark greyish color with hardened wrinkles to a much smoother healthy pinkish color in less than a week! Wow! I should have taken pictures before and after.

He had some kind of a Urinary bladder problem that he was hesitant to tell me about. He has ongoing problems with infections in his teeth and has taken course after course of anti-biotics over the past few years.

I let him treat himself with my Enart, by showing him the areas to treat. The first few days I didn’t tell him how to find the trigger points. Then I showed him how to find the trigger points and he was even more amazed at the different sensations and capabilities of the machine.

Thank you so much for what you are doing and the technology you sell. May God bless you for the services you are providing.

Katherine Chicoine, Canada

The latest ‘miraculous’ recovery is a client who injured her elbow and shoulder in a fall last December. For 2 months she had been having physiotherapy with another practitioner and was using our hydrotherapy pool for exercise only. There had been almost no improvement in the degree of movement in her arm. Flexion was assessed at 30%. After the first ENART treatment, her physiotherapist was surprised to find it had increased to 35% and after the third session it was 55 %.

Progress has continued and the client has been keen to return to work part time despite her medical doctor’s advice that with this type of injury she should not contemplate returning to work at all this year. Her arm now has almost full flexion to straighten it, touch her opposite ear, or shoulder and to reach behind to touch her fingers. Her pain levels have improved and she is now optimistic of being able to return to work in a very much shorter time than expected.

My client has made remarkable progress in dealing with severe depression (6 sessions only so far and I see her every two weeks or so). Her medication has been reduced and mental clarity – assessed using 12 different questions on a 0 to 10 scale- has improved by 50%.

A number of other clients have had similar improvements with mental clarity within 6 sessions. Quality of life as assessed by similar scales also shows a rapid response to ENART indicating an improvement in energy levels and motivation.

Another client was diagnosed with a large mass in the gall bladder – diagnosed as a gallstone fixed to the wall of the organ and est 3cm by 2.5 cm. After 3 sessions ENART she presented for surgery (no further tests done) and the report said that the gall bladder (removed) “was clear”!

Another client had gallstones that were being tracked with ultrasound prior to surgery. After 2 ENART sessions and a sudden bout of severe pain they had entirely disappeared – to the amazement of her doctor and the ultrasound technician.

Nanette Аnderson, Australia

Thank you very much, my client has already seen more hair near his forehead. He also experienced a sore on his finger heal after 3 days of using the SCENAR.
I injured my hamstring muscle running on July 4th, the pain was very bad and I could not sit or walk without extreme difficulty.
I was instructed by R. C. on how to use my ENART with the acupuncture probe on the muscle attachment and on the area of acute pain.
By Friday July 11, I could sit down and walk freely. I did not need to take my pain medication that the doctor gave me.

Wesley Sen, USA

I am very happy with the Enart and am glad that I did not buy any other device… the Enart is much more user friendly and effective as one can use all the probes and the information received is easy to interpret.
I have used the digital readout in Constant mode most effectively and I find it much more user friendly than the Scenar.
I have had great success with the Enart and am very pleased that I did not buy a Scenar 97.4…
I find the Enart more USER FRIENDLY and in the Constant mode it is possible to get an I/R to use. Scenar does not have this facility.
Also running on 2 AA batteries is much better.
Also less fragile and in the “CONSTANT” mode it is possible to see the ongoing reaction.
I am sure that I will have much more success after more experience as I am not a practitioner but an airline pilot!!!
I am delighted with the Enart 801.
Thanks for all your help and notes that you have sent me.
Your Enart is still working well and helping me and others. I am very pleased with it. I particularly like its design and weight, enabling the operator to get a good grip and firmly placing the electrodes.

Andy Coverdale, South Korea

The Enart and Scenar devices are the only two devices known that actually stimulate the neuropeptides giving the body the ability to activate its own endorphins.

The pharmaceuticals due a fine job in cutting the communication to the cells by giving a false sense of balance through synthetic compounds.

Therefore, if the goal is to have a false sense of relief the pharmaceuticals gives the body the opportunity to ignore the in deterioration process creating it to deteriorate to continue.

With the Enart device there is the ability to awaken the process of regeneration without a synthetic substance and allow the cells to regenerate at a higher vibration.

Tami Draper, USA

It has been frustrating to me to see all of the “want-to-be’s” and other companies that copied the device and is now trying to market them.

I have been working with the Scenar since 2002 and have seen remarkable results for people using the device. The short time that I was able to use the Enart I found it to be a pleasure to work with and even more positive results.

Many people have become sceptical in purchasing simply because I wanted find a company that did have integrity and did have original devices. I strongly believe that your company fits that profile and I am honored to have the privilege of being able to work with you and allow others to purchase the devices for themselves.

Tami Draper, USA

I have used the Enart with great success for Pains in the Back in the Lower parts by myself and by a Friend with much pain, I give about freq 60 Herz low, Intens level 3, Alternate and Interval later on level 5.

In two days the pain is gone.
But you see I work so much as possible on my feelings what is right in the healing process. Working with books and so on, I don’t like it so much, so its pioneering what I do on the body, but so I can understand what the Enart is doing, how it feels, and so it’s going very well!

Thanks again.

Raymond van der WEELE, Netherlands

I just want to thank you for your healing blanket & the Enart 801 V5.
My 99 year-old mother broke her rib & had a tooth abscess. I have used Enart 801 to the best of my ability & wrapped her in the blanket a lot. This morning she walked to the table for breakfast after severаl days of agony. 

Shirley Perrett, Canada

On the Human side the Blanket has a great calming effect on people and a feeling of a refreshed rest.
The Enart is having good results on arthritic joints.
Betty (my mother) uses it on her knees and report that they give less pain through the day (and her activity shows it) and she sleeps better with less pain. Betty also finds it easier to get up in the morning “it takes less time to get started” a generally less joint pain start to the day.
My brother finds the Enart relaxes and de-stresses him when he uses it to massage his neck and forehead.
I use it for general strains to muscles and joints I get from work, it tends to get rid of them quickly making them less of a problem. I also use it on eczema I get on my legs. It seems to be reducing the amounts of flair ups I get so I don’t need to use treatment creams as much as I used to.
So all in all although we are not up to speed on using them we are getting positive results from both the Blanket and the Enart. Friends and family who call to see us have used the Enart and most report that they had some benefits from using it.

Darren Brown, UK

With regards to my purchase with you. I am very pleased with the Enart device. It is very effective.
The Therapeutic Blanket is amazing.
I have had great success with pain control, removing pain almost instantly.
I have worked on the shoulder of a man who had a painful complaint for over 18 months. 6 treatments, over 6 days, and he is now pain free and does not need an operation. He has been free of pain now for several weeks.

Kathleen Gainey, France

First of all thanks for answering all my questions.
After just a week of utilizing the Enart 801V5, and being no experienced myself at all, I must say that the results are more than satisfying. The device is very easy to use, and after a while, even its most complicated aspects become easily readable and applied. All my family is using it. My mother years-old knee-joint pain diminished considerably after one session, and I’m confident it will disappear with few more sessions.

Paolo Rizzo, Italy

Just to let you know I am using my Enart 801V5 device and am having fantastic results with it. I have really noticed a difference and it seems much more powerful than the InterX5000 that I was using. I am finding it really easy to use but would like to order the roller to use with it.October 31, 2005

I am at present collecting testimonials from people who have received treatment with the Enart 801V5. I have to say that the success with the Enart is far higher than when using the InterX5000 and now do not use the InterX at all.
May 3, 2006

Gill Robertson, UK

I am satisfied with the results from my instrument. I have used it in conjunction with my magnetic therapies to remove pain, and it works very well.

Greetings. I have been working with my “Enart RI” for quite some time now and the results of this machine are very satisfactory. I feel like moving up to a more sophisticated/professional model. I still work on my “pain elimination” practice.

Pedro Alicea, Puerto Rico

The Enart RI seems to have made an improvement in my sinus condition… I think the fact that the device improves and stimulates circulation of the blood helps the body recover wellbeing.

David Heaton, UK

In spite of unseasonal drop in the sea temperature to 15C0 I took the plunge four times. At 82 I swim 1K. regularly to prove that longevity is possible without degeneration.
Over-confidence resulted that evening in a running nose and some discomfort, which lasted only 24 hrs. thanks to Enart RI and TMB.

Morris Ishay, Australia

We have been using the Scenar with great results.
Our most spectacular success so far has been the reversal of a double D Scoliosis of the spine.

Jeremy Bowler, Australia

I bought a Scenar device 3 months ago. I have been using the device with a great success. I am very excited with the result with the Scenar treatment. You said to me that the best thing to do is to buy and try one before anything. Now I am sure the device is wonderful.

Ruben Celis, Australia

I have used the instruments on several patients with good results. One a 6 year old with enuresis, two treatments. She was dry the night after the first treatment. One shoulder bursitis, which was much better after one treatment. One low back pain was much better.I Thank you and so do my patients.

Dr. Vern, USA

 My first experience with the Enart device has been very successful, and I’m very satisfied with the purchase of this machine.

Fritz Hemmerich, Spain

 I currently use a Scenar in my London practice and have for the past year. I have had very good results.

Jane Albright, UK

 In February of this year, I purchased a Scenar from you.
I really enjoyed using the Scenar ever since then, as it has helped me so much.

Janet Lucius, USA

I have been the lucky participant in a Scenar trial. It has changed my life. I have suffered chronic pain for 25 years in my back that was relieved with one treatment. Other areas have required more treatments to relieve the pain. This is the most amazing tool I have ever seen or used.

Serrah Skye Smith, USA

Since I purchased the Scenar, I am impressed with both its effectiveness and accessibility. I have only used it with relatives and friends, and mainly for tendonitis, arthritis, pulled Achilles tendon, headaches and so on. In every single case the Scenar had a very positive effect especially with muscular-skeletal problems.
The tendonitis disappeared completely after about 20 sessions, the headaches were relieved very quickly and all of the other times it was used, it had a great effect.
I have also had some good results with Prologue. Prologue has been effective treating facial pain, including toothache.
All the products I have bought (Scenar, Prologue & Laser Vision glasses) work extremely well and are very effective.

Mike Kleinsteuber, UK

I am pleased to tell you that we have had a degree of success with the device, in cases from broken ankles to emotional issues to gout. We think it depends on the open mindedness of the patient as to the outcome of the treatment.

Dacre Selby, UK

I work on horses, dogs, cats, sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle. I have used the Skenar with good success on horses, dogs and cats. I usually treat an average of 20 animals a day and I use the Skenar on at least 3 to 5 animals a day. I am using my model on animals and on myself.
I am getting good results.
I have received the Prologue and have been getting good usage out of it. It seems to be a very reliable instrument. I like the attachable probe to use on specific acupuncture points.

Dean Bader, USA

I must thank you for introducing the Scenar to me. It’s a wonderful device. I have used it on my patients with good results.

Adrian Chua, Singapore

I must say that I am impressed and delighted with your products and your service.

Peter Swinnerton, Canada

We make instrumentation for various arthroscopic surgeries, mainly shoulder and knee. I am also a part time health practitioner and have had an interest in alternative health for many years. I am happy with the Scenar.

I have recommended your company and devices to friends and colleagues. I have used the Scenar successfully for toothache and sinus problems so far and am most impressed.

Bill Nutting, USA

This is great, I just had a treatment. I do thank you and I am sure that your web page will be on top of my list.

Leroy Sedillo, USA

I have a Scenar and I love it. I have MS & have muscle cramps. It has been a lifesaver for me. I am interested in one for my grandson.

Winifred DuPriest, USA

 As an update to prior conversations, my son with the special needs is named Andrew. Through much patience on all our parts, we are learning how to help him better. It’s a slow process, but we’re learning how to slowly improve his sensitivity to the Enart and he’s even beginning to look forward to his treatments. As Andrew’s endurance improves, so does his sleeping pаttern and his mood swings. Even his school teachers have recognized an improvement. We couldn’t be happier. Thank you again for your previous words of encouragement! Our only problem now is all our children want the more frequent treatments! You should see them lining up at the door conjuring phantom aches and pains so they can have their turn. It’s quite amusing!

Thank you so much for thinking of my family’s needs and me. I am touched by your thoughtfulness.

With best regards,
Toni Cook, USA

My name is Vladislav Nasarov. In 1994, at the age of 45, I was involved in an accident. I sustained concussion of the brain, fractures to my left collar-bone and 11 ribs.
I received surgery for my injuries, but despite this two years after the accident, I couldn’t walk without the aid of crutches. Doctors have diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbosacrum, joint arthrosis and right side plexitis. In addition, I had poor appetite, asthenia and depression.

After treatment with ENART devices and TMB, I felt much better. In particular, I had more energy, and improved flexibility of my spine. Pains that I experienced around my knee and abdomen lessened to the extent that I was able to lie on my stomach – a position previously too painful.
I found using crutches difficult because of strong muscle pains in my legs. However, after the treatment, my left leg pain disappeared and the pain in my right leg decreased considerably (before I came to the Centre it was unbearable). Also the mobility of my right hip has increased considerably.

Nowdays, I am able to stand on my bad leg which I couldn’t before. My mobility increased to the extent that after the first 15-days sessions I was able to walk with a stick.
The effectiveness of ENART treatment is evident to me as medicines did not provide such an improvement. I believe that this kind of treatment should be promoted to enable patients unaware of its existence the ability to use it. I am sure ENART is future of the medicine.

Vladislav Nasarov, Ukraine

I came for treatment suffering from bad headaches and pain in the neck and lumbar parts of my backbone. After the third ENART session I felt better, as the pain had decreased. I believe I was cured after 10 sessions as I feel much better and am pain free. I’m so thankful to the INVET Centre doctors for their attention and thoughtfulness in regard to my claims and illness.

M.N. Syabruk, Ukraine

Within the last two years I suffered from headache as a result of high blood pressure. However after ENART treatment in the INVET Centre I feel much better. My gratitude to all medical personnel!

E.I. Kovaltchuk, Ukraine

Treatment by ENART devices provided a noticeable difference in condition of my knee joint (my diagnosis was deforming arthrosis).
I am so thankful to medical personnel of INVET and so impressed by the device that I have decided to purchase one for myself.

I. Lubits, Ukraine

For many years I am suffering from lumbosacral pain which has radiated down my right leg. I arrived for the first treatment with the aid of a walking stick and my wife. After the second session, I came alone. After the fifth session, I am happy to say, I was pain free and walking normally. I do like this kind of treatment.

A.A. Kovalenko, Ukraine

I got SCENAR treatment and feel well after ten sessions. I wish all the best to the team of INVET Centre.

U.N. Rakul, Ukraine

I have suffered from radiculitis for thirty years. Several times I was treated at sanatorium and I’ve never seen such an effect like after Scenar treatment. I felt considerable improvement after twelve sessions.

T.F. Bobrov, Ukraine

I came for treatment due to degenerative joint disease. I got 15 ENART sessions and feel much better, in fact, I have no pain at all.

V. Zaveryukha, Ukraine

I am sharing my experience in the hope that it may help others. My nine year old daughter had, for the past two years suffered from encopresis. Regardless of the use of drugs and physical therapy the problem persisted. It was embarrassing for my daughter and worried us tremendously.
Ready to try anything to help our child, we took her to a medical center where they treat with ENART devices. I didn’t know what this meant but simply decided to seize the opportunity. Following treatment, her bowel function gradually returned to normal. What a change in her behaviour. Gone was the shy, sad child afraid to leave the house. After the third session my girl became loud and talkative self. I am so much obliged to those people who brought joy back to my home.

S. Shashkova, Ukraine

I was suffering from right hip pain. After ten sessions at INVET medical Centre, I felt considerable pain relief. 

T.A. Grineva, Ukraine

I had pains in my back. I was short tempered and anxious. After seven ENART sessions I felt relief in pain I experienced in my upper back, an improvement in my sense of well-being and my appetite. Most importantly, my good mood returned to me, I’m not afraid to take on anything.

Mokanu, Ukraine

For many years, I have experienced gastric problems. I’ve had gastritis, hepatitis and inflammatory bowel disease. My skin looked awful, I couldn’t sleep and was constantly stressed. Following treatment with Scenar therapy, my condition has improved dramatically. My stress levels have reduced, I sleep at night, my skin condition has improved and my gastric problems are minimal! Thank you so much.

V.I. Knop, Ukraine

I came for ENART treatment due to osteoarthritis in my knee joint. Since my right leg couldn’t straighten I was lame when walking. I found it difficult to going up and down stairs. After 15 sessions both knees work equally. I’m not lame at all. I’m completely satisfied with the rendered assistance. After all, before the ENART treatment, the doctors talked about knee surgery, in which I was also not guaranteed a full recovery. I suppose the method is very good one, neither side-effect nor pricks or puncture of joints there. And you don’t take any pills as well. 

Krivtsova, Ukraine

I have suffered with neck pain due to osteochondrosis, and prostatitis. Following ten treatment sessions with ENART at the clinic, my neck feels much better and my prostatitis does not disturb me.

V.I. Byrachenko, Ukraine

I have been sick for some 15 to 20 years. I suffer from vertigo, nervousness and insomnia. I have had 15 sessions with the Scenar device. I feel better, less dizzy and more relaxed. I am sleeping much better and have noticed an improvement in my appetite.

V.I. Belous, Ukraine

I knew little about this clinic, before being treated here. I have degeneration of the discs in my spine and have terrible back pain. I couldn’t sit, stand or lie down without pain. Pain killers only provided temporary relief. Following a course of treatment at ENART clinic, I have relief from pain for the first time in years. I actually find myself crying with happiness.
I’m so thankful to all employees of the clinic for their attitude, hard work, courtesy and most of all, their honesty. God bless them for further prosperity in their very needed work.

Best regards from me and my family.

The Vishnyakovs, Ukraine

At seventy years of age, I was severely afflicted with radiculitis. I have received various drugs and treatments but none of them have been very effective. So when I heard about the INVET center where they treat without drugs, I decided to give it a try. During the consultation I was told the principles of ENART and TMB treatment. The doctor did not promise to remove all my problems however he said that there would be a definite progress. Every day I had an hour session of treatment. One day passed, two, three and no result! Nevertheless I decided to proceed. The improvement came after the seventh session only but it was a considerable one and after the tenth session I could move freely. Six months have passed and now I can do simple gym exercises but the point is that I don’t feel old anymore! It was my first time that I was treated without any drugs. I was surprised with the fact that the arthritis in my knee and in my shoulder and some eczema went along with my radiculitis! I’m sure that the treatment with ENART devices is very effective and harmless. I’m a pensioner and don’t work, my pocket isn’t big but I never regret that I got treatment by this new method.

I’m so thankful to all doctors of the centre for their work aimed to provide welfare of people.

G.I. Popov, Ukraine