If you wish to protect your vision or to recover damaged vision, follow the principle: ‘Relaxation will recover (keep) my visual acuity’.
And this means that you should make the following your vital rule:
- Never screw up your eyes;
- Do not strain your eyes trying to see objects;
- Avoid long fixed glances at objects; try to let your eyes rove as often as you can;
- Blink at every opportunity.
Read the above once more and remember it well.
For ‘lazy people’ who cannot make themselves do anything regularly, and for very busy persons who have no single minute of free time, we offer another solution – an affordable and very effective device – LASER VISION training glasses.
The following article is from the “Pharmacia” journal, by N.N.Bushuyeva, MD, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, senior researcher at the Filatov Institute of Ophthalmic Illnesses and Tissue Therapy of the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Science
Over many centuries poor vision has been a serious problem for mankind. Ancient man placed his rolled-up palm against his eye to see things better; the priests of Egyptian temples had smooth tablets with narrow foramens (apertures) through which they watched remote subjects and solar eclipses. As time and knowledge have increased, together with the growth of science the problems of poor vision have remained unresolved.
Researchers have united their efforts in investigating the problems of vision in such areas as physics and medicine. As a consequence, the magnifying glass, lorgnette, monocle, pincenez, glasses, contact lenses have appeared.
It is symbolic that the section of physics which studies phenomena and properties of light received its name from the Latin word ‘opticus’, i.e. visual, and had been developed through investigation of the problems caused by poor vision.
The lens (in glasses) for a long time was the sole means (way) of correcting deficiencies and shortcomings of vision in most cases. Today, people who are long-sighted and mope-eyed, and those suffering from astigmatism and initial cataract and glaucoma, as well as for the last few hundred years: all these people now wear (use) glasses.
Recently, the problem of ophthalmic pathology and deterioration of vision has become very serious. There are many reasons for this.
Technological progress (computers, videotape recorders etc.) has resulted in the fact that the visual analyzer withstands increasing heavy duty when examining small-sized objects up close.
A large part of deteriorating vision is due to ecological, social, and economic factors.
The eye is very similar to any optical device. Muscles supporting the lens, provide changes in its depth. An image comes through the lens and is received by receptors in the retina. When we look at a subject located near to us, circumferential muscles thicken the lens, thereby changing the focus; if we look into the distance, the radial muscle makes the lens more flat, removing the image from the trailing wall of the eye globe.
If the image is displaced beyond the boundary of the eye, there is hyperopia resulting in an indistinct map of subjects; if it does not reach the receptors of the gauze shell, there is nearsightedness; with astigmatism, twisting of the refractive mediums (cornea of a lens) results in a blurred picture of the subjects on the retina.
To obtain a sharp image it is indispensable to wear special correcting glasses, either negative or positive, or contact lenses. That’s why so many people of different ages have to use glasses or contact lenses.
As a result of recent research in the fields of engineering and technology, some suggestions have been proposed to solve the problem of poor vision. First, microsurgical technology permits an elimination of the noncomplicated forms of nearsightedness, both weak and moderate. In hyperopia, and astigmatism it is possible to restore vision completely.
Second, medical therapy can control disease and loss of sight with vitamins, nonspecific immunocorrectors, physiotherapeutic procedures, electrical stimulation,and laser stimulation of a muscle thereby adjusting the crystalline lens shape and the receptors of the retina.
Thirdly, by using an excimer laser to remedy the incorrect curvature and refracting force of the cornea shell, it becomes possible to correct near-sightedness up to 20 diopters.
Today, this modern research and method of treatment has taken a special place in ophthalmology.
But a surgical operation always suggests certain risks, stress, worry, money. Conservative techniques almost always use lens glasses which correct depressed vision but do not restore it. Moreover, eye muscles which are responsible for visual acuity get quickly used to lenses and thus they continue both to weaken or to suffer strain needlessly. As a result, the disease progresses, and the lenses are replaced with stronger ones.
Recently, opticians use new instruments more frequently to reduce the eye dead load and to recover vision, one example of this is found in the the Laser Vision glasses.
Using them one may watch TV, read newspapers or enjoy police stories, and the eyes do not get tired, on the contrary, both near and farsighted vision is improved.
In truth when did you last cast a glance at the neighboring panorama outside? In fact there is nothing to replace this natural form of relaxation but the simulator Laser Vision glasses.
The first impression of a person who has put on these glasses which look like ordinary sunglasses is one of surprise. One sees everything just as in regular lenses although the Laser Vision has no optical glass in it. An eye really can see, if the ophthalmic muscles work normally. Such is indeed the case with our simulator glasses which make (compel) our eyes do this.
The apparent simplicity of the device and its use hides very complex technology. One of the licensed techniques is achieved through a precise mathematical calculation of the diameter, configuration and location of foramens(small apertures) which influence the light falling on the eye muscles in a very definite way. On a dark opaque plastic sheet by using laser technology a certain number of foramens (pinholes) are made at precisely spaced intervals they are made on a special type of plastic, which has no analogues. When manufacturing the Laser Vision glasses, a laser ray is used to cut through the plastic resulting in cone-shaped foramens.
The principle of operation of these simulator glasses is based on the known physical laws of refraction, orificing (thereby affecting the iris) and interference of a luminous (light) flux. The sharpness of the map is increased by examining subjects through a small foramen. This effect was first used by ancient Eskimos, and more than once saved the climbers who had got blinded by the snow. They used a foramen, made of any available material, and then they started to see the basic lines around a l subject, followed by a gradual improvement in their vision.
The Laser Vision Training glasses cause the eye to work in a training mode, and help restore the natural function of the normal activity of the eye-muscles.
Another advantage of the Laser Vision glasses is that they help release tightness found in the muscles and, at the same time, encourage activity in the weaker muscles. The effect of the Laser Vision glasses is found more in the training of the muscles of the eye. To achieve improvement of vision it is enough to use them regularly for 30 minutes daily.
Clinical tests of the Laser Vision glasses have been made at the Research Institute of Ophthalmic Illnesses of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, also at the Moscow Medical Academy and at the Odessa V.Filatov Institute. They confirmed its positive medical properties and effectiveness for patients who suffered from myopia, presbyopy, hypermetropia, astigmatism, initial developments of a cataract, photophobia. Further research has shown, that the Laser Vision glasses were useful in the treatment of spastic stricture of an accommodation, initial phacoscotasmus, pigmentary peripheric involution of the gauze shell, and in retina exfoliation (i.e. to control the movement of the eye).
The civil aviation pilots tested the glasses as a relaxation remedy and found that their eyes were well rested, and that such unpleasant sensations such as sharp pain, burning, a feeling of sand under the eyelids faded away. Laser Vision glasses also helped restore normal color perception to people who are forced to work long hours under simulated light.
Some case histories:
- A child of 7 years old was on the books at the Ophthalmic Illnesses Research Institute because he was suffering from accommodation spastic stricture. Visual acuity was 0.7.After Laser Vision and a series of exercises designed to improve the accommodation were recommended. there was a significant improvement in his condition. After 2 weeks the visual acuity was restored to a figure of 1.0.
- A high school student (aged 16) had mild myopia. The visual acuity was of 0.3. After one month of the Laser Vision treatment and special training exercises visual acuity got back to 1.0.
- A young man of 19 years old suffered from the pigmentary involution of the gauze shell and had myopia of 3.0 diopters. He had been using the Laser Vision glasses for one year. The visual acuity had grown from 0.3 up to 0.6 (without correction). The glasses helped him to better orient himself (to find his bearings) within a reduced field of view.
There is a multitude of real cases of different ophthalmologic pathologies which the Laser Vision glasses has been treating with good effect. Results speak for themselves.
The maximum effectiveness of treatment is reached if your optician prescribes special exercises together with detailed instructions as to how to use the ‘glasses’.
Positive results can be seen after just one fortnight of eye training; visual accuracy and accommodation resources are increased, and the eyes become more sensitive to light and contrast.
The Laser Vision glasses have few contraindications – high intracranial pressure and ophthalmotonus, opacification of refractive media (cornea shell, lens and vitreous).
The therapeutic properties of these glasses do not deteriorate in time provided the foramens shape (or aperture) is not damaged.
Published in the April 1999 edition of the “Mig” newspaper,
Zaporozhye City, Ukraine
There has recently been a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from eye conditions. Frequently, this is caused by a number of factors, e.g. computers, televisions, mobile phone displays etc.
Until now, there have neither been preventative measures, nor universally applicable techniques to correct vision problems. However, modern medical researchers have succeeded in creating such a universal device. It is Laser Vision glasses that help to improve your ruined eyesight.
During my thirty years of ophthalmology, I have never seen such an effective and universal preventative treatment and remedy.
Today, objective observers would say that Laser Vision glasses are on a par with many outstanding discoveries in medical science and engineering. More and more doctors and practitioners are recommending them to their patients. From a personal point of view, I have been recommending the genuine Laser Vision glasses to my clients and colleagues.
When we need advice on what to buy for our eyes (traditional prescription glasses, or new fashionable contact lenses), we normally go to see an optician. This is because before we have not had Laser Vision glasses to make our decisions simple.
You see, many people have conditions when a lensless treatment is indicated, e.g. presbyopy, near-sightedness, hyperopia, amblyopia, and initial state of cataracts.
The highest possible efficiency of treatment is achieved at efficient performance of exercises and doctor’s prescriptions.
Positive results can be seen after just one fortnight of training; visual accuracy is increased, and the eyes become more sensitive to light and contrast. Below are some of the case histories that have convinced me of this:
A woman came with a complaint of deteriorating vision. An examination showed her to be suffering from presbyopia and have a small cataract developing. I recommended that she use Laser Vision glasses. Two weeks later her sight had improved by 0.5 dioptre up to 1.0. She was no longer long-sighted, but still uses her prescription glasses for her near-sightedness.
A girl of 16 years old was advised to use glasses Laser Vision. Visual acuity at the beginning of treatment was 0,3 (near-sightedness). After three months her vision was restored up to 0,95.
A woman came to change her + 2.5 glasses for stronger ones (her diagnosis was hyperopia). She was told to use the Laser Vision glasses. Two months later she was back to change her glasses again, this time for + 1.0!
A young woman went to see her doctor as her eye-sight was getting progressively worse (for three years she had worked in front of a computer everyday). Tests revealed nuclear cataracts in both eyes. Two months of treatment with Laser Vision produced extremely positive changes.
A client suffering from the composite astigmatism and myopia came for a consultation after he had seen lensless glasses advertised on TV. His visual accuracy was – 0.2. An initial with Laser Vision glasses (designed to establish the potential for vision (acuity or accuracy, or visual – any of these words) gave results of – 0.8. Two months of regular use of the Laser Vision glasses improved his vision to – 0.85.
A local practitioner referred a client suffering with diabetes to an ophthalmologist. Initial examinations revealed diabetic angiopathy, diabetic initial cataract, near-sightedness, presbyopy. Visual acuity was – 0,3. After using Laser Vision glasses for four months, his visual acuity was – 0.5, and months further use improved it to – 0.6.
The results speak for themselves.
A.G.Grinchenko, an ophthalmologist
“Health Herald” newspaper article (December 1999, Ukraine)
Over the last few months, we’ve received hundreds of emails and telephone calls from people anxious to know more about how Laser Vision glasses can improve their vision.
It’s no wonder, because just about every family in the world is concerned with preserving and improving their vision. Laser Vision glasses seem almost to be a miracle because they work effectively for just about everyone, without lenses and without surgery.
To answer any questions, we interviewed Dr. Yuiy D. Zhilov, MD and professor at the Moscow I.M. Sechenov Medical Academy. He provided the following insights into Laser Vision glasses:
Today almost one in three adults has some sort of vision correction, either contact lenses or glasses. Of course, most of us understand that lenses correct our deteriorating vision, but cannot help you recover perfect vision. As you know, when you use lenses, the eye muscles adapt to the lenses and continue weakening, perhaps needlessly straining in the process. Thus we continue to develop our nearsightedness or farsightedness, and as we grow old, we get stronger and stronger lens prescriptions.
Laser Vision is an entirely different proposition. These glasses retrain the eyes; relaxing strained muscles and exercising weakened muscles. Using Laser Vision can be important not only for people who already use glasses, but as preventive medicine for those who don’t use glasses at all. Using Laser Vision, they may never need them.
L. L. Hundanov, Corresponding Member of Russian Medical Science Academy, Director of the Russian Scientific Center of Traditional Medicine and Disease Prevention.
Laser Vision glasses look somewhat like glasses, but they are different. They are based on the well-known physics laws of refraction, masking and interference of a luminous flux. They force the eye to retrain itself for optimal vision and restore the natural function of healthy ophthalmic muscles. Much research and development have gone into developing these glasses, although they are simple to use.
G. V. Basov, Ph.D. in Medicine, the New Methods of Diagnostic and Treatment Department Chairman, Research Institute of Ophthalmic Illnesses of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, states:
“A therapeutic effect of large scale, absolute harmlessness and excellent correcting capacity of glasses established by clinical approval of the ‘Laser Vision’ glasses in Russia are good reasons to recommend ‘Laser Vision’ for broad clinical application to cure nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Within two months of clinical tests in which 247 patients took part, the glasses made it possible for patients to release a spastic stricture of an accommodation up to 3-4 diopters, to correct an astigmatism up to 5 diopters, and to considerably improve color and contrast discrimination. This was achieved during sessions of no more than 30 minutes a day.”
N.N.Bushuyeva, M.D., Senior Researcher at the Institute of Ophthalmic Illnesses and Histiotherapy, the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences, states that “tests in the Ukraine have confirmed the medical properties of Laser Vision glasses. They are particularly effective when combined with treatment with Scenar devices of adaptive-receptor therapy.”
Many people believe that sunglasses effectively protect the eyes from damage, but this is untrue. Some sunglasses can even cause permanent eye damage. For example, it is especially dangerous to wear glasses, which enhance ultra-violet and cyan ranges of the light spectrum.
Laser Vision glasses are an ideal substitute for sunglasses. They do compensate for bright light, but they do not shade the vision and do not distort true colors.
These glasses are universal, and can be used at any age. Contraindications for Laser Vision glasses are rare-only high intracranial pressure and ophthalmotonus. Amazingly, Laser Vision glasses help to delay development of cataract and glaucoma. After reducing or even eliminating cataracts, Laser Vision glasses give complementary protection. As the shape of the retina is corrected, the eyes see more and more normally. The glasses continue to be effective over time and do not lose their efficacy unless broken. These glasses are authorized for the medical practice in Ukraine.
Published in the March 2004 edition of the “Health” newspaper,
Vinnitsa City, Ukraine
“A year ago my daughter was given prescription glasses, but her sight continued to deteriorate. The lenses have already been changed twice for stronger ones. Help us please. Is there any way to stop her eyesight getting worse?”
N. Bushueva, doctor of medical sciences, Head of Laboratory at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Ophthalmology and Tissue Therapy.
Eyesight problems have always been a cause for general concern. Unfortunately, the most popular solution today is to use lenses or glasses. However, this offers no way of fighting against the development of short-sightedness or hypermetropia (long-sightedness). Ordinary glasses only help to slow down the deterioration of one’s vision, but in no way improve it. Eyes quickly become accustomed to the lenses; the muscles around the eyes continue to weaken, or they suffer from further stress. Consequently, the glasses need to be changed for stronger ones.
The invention of Laser Vision simulator glasses provides a unique opportunity to greatly improve or correct sight difficulties, inexpensively and with little effort. It is simply sufficient to use them to watch the television or read with them for thirty minutes each day, and within one month a considerable improvement will be noticeable.
The advantage of Laser Vision over ordinary prescription glasses is that they re-train the eye muscles, causing a precise reallocation of work-load so that weakened muscles work harder allowing stressed muscles to relax.
In this age of rapid technological progress, Laser Vision glasses will become indispensable, as people’s daily activities increasingly involve intensive eye-stress (more time spent in front of a computer, driving, intricate manual operations). This is certainly true for children whose sight is adversely affected by greater demands in school, and more time peering at a TV or computer screen.
At first sight, Laser Vision glasses look like ordinary sunglasses, with only the small grid of tiny holes making them unusual.
In fact, the glasses are made of a special opaque plastic, into which the tiny holes are made. The placement and diameter of each hole are determined by complex mathematical calculations and made by high-precision technology.
The therapeutic effects of the glasses work around the principles of refraction, stopping-down (orificing) and the interference of a luminous flux.
Clinical tests of the glasses in the Research Institute of Ophthalmic Illnesses at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Mechnikov Moscow Medical Academy, and in the Filatov Odessa Research Institute of Ophthalmology and Tissue Therapy, have confirmed their medical properties and noted the unusually high therapeutic effect.
In one test, some patients improved their vision by up to one dioptre per month, while the deterioration in other patients ceased.
There were also some remarkable results, for example, a patient who was able to swap his minus 10 dioptre lenses for minus 6 after one month.
Test showed also that the glasses were most effective when used in conjunction with the new ENART (energo-neuro-adaptive-receptive therapy) medical technology.
Laser Vision glasses are completely non-invasive and have a magnificent corrective capacity for a wide range of eye problems (short-sightedness, hypermetropia, astigmatism, asthenopia (eyestrain), problems of colour and contrast distinction).
Every family should possess a pair of Laser Vision glasses as a preventive measure against the development of eye problems. To maintain healthy sight, it is sufficient to use these glasses for just thirty minutes a day while carrying-out daily tasks around the home, watching TV or reading.
Laser Vision glasses are multi-purpose and can be suitable for all sizes. The distance between the centre of the eyes is unimportant, and the plastic rims allow adjustability, according to personal preference. Consequently, one pair of glasses can be used by the whole family – adults and children alike.
There is a general misconception that any pair of dark glasses will protect our eyes from the sun. With the multitude of sunglasses that are available to us, it is unsurprising that we often buy the wrong ones. For most people, the most important considerations are aesthetic design. Some dark glasses can be very harmful, allowing the ultra-violet rays from the sun to pass through.
Laser Vision glasses provide an ideal alternative to sunglasses. While eliminating glare, they do not shade your vision or distort colours.
Many opticians already use Laser Vision in their practices.
However, beware of cheap replicas. There have been cases of glasses, resembling Laser Vision that have been sold under a different name. These fake Laser Vision glasses do not have any of the medical properties, and may even damage eyesight.