
100 Case studies using ENART Technology

Alastair McLoughlin BTAA, LCSP (Hon.)United Kingdom This letter is to verify that I have used the EN…

Acupuncture with ENART

Acupuncture with ENART: pain relief without pain Acupuncture is one of the most ancient of ther…

Allergy treatment with the ENART device

In this article, we will talk about how to treat allergies, a fairly common disease today, using the…

Another method of ENART treatment for shoulder pain

ENART and SCENAR treatment of SHOULDER PAIN SPECIAL NOTES:ENART can be safely applied over the …

Choose the Right Device

For medical practitioners Device for personal use/home treatment

ENART against Coronavirus

ENART against COVID Today, humanity is facing a serious threat – the World Health Organization…

ENART protocol for Hepatitis C

ENART and Scenar protocol for Hepatitis C 1. Direct influence on the spinal column is effected …

ENART Therapy

ENART IS A BREAKTHROUGH IN NON-INVASIVE TREATMENT I am using the device every day in my clinic &#821…

ENART treatment for shoulder pain

Pain in the shoulder joint is a fairly common complaint among patients seeking help from specialists…

ENART, Scenar and Prologue effectiveness

The tables below indicate the effectiveness of the ENART, Scenar and Prologue devices in a wide rang…

ENART, Scenar, Prologue Devices Testimonials

I have been using the ENART 906 everyday and night and yesterday my mum visited who has a very bad c…

Feedback on the results of working with the ENART 911 device

We present to your attention fragments of a letter from one of the authoritative specialists in spor…

Healing Blanket Clinical Reports

Extracts of clinical reports of using MEDICAL BLANKET Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Scientifi…

Healing Blanket Publications

ENART, Scenar, Prologue and Healing Blanket Therapy My First-hand Experience in ENART, Scenar, Prolo…

Healing Blanket Scope of Usage

The Therapeutic Multilayer Blanket may be used for the following conditions: The blanket can be also…

INVET Services Testimonials

I recommend INVET for 3 reasons:1.  Consideration;2.  Service:  over the years, all m…

Laser Vision clinical reports


Laser Vision Glasses Testimonials

I received the glasses today. Thank you for all your help. I will tell my friends of your excellent …

LASER VISION Publications

FOR THOSE WHO CARE FOR THEIR EYESIGHT GENERAL GUIDELINESIf you wish to protect your vision or to rec…