Remote electrodes

With the help of remote electrodes, the user can conveniently and effectively treat various specific and hard-to-reach areas of the body (for example, body parts with abundant hair, oral mucosa, genitals and anus, acupuncture points, etc.).

Another important advantage of using remote electrodes is the reduction of the mechanical load on the device itself. This can significantly extend the service life, especially for devices with LCD.

Remote electrodes have a slightly reduced impact power. This does not change the characteristics of the impulse and the overall effectiveness of the impact.

With these electrodes, the user can perform all types of treatment on the surface of the skin, available when working with the built-in electrode.

Each remote electrode has a specific design. This allows you to use the device with maximum convenience and efficiency in the treating specific areas of the body. You can take one or more electrodes, which will fully meet your specific needs.

For detailed information about any types of remote electrodes offered by CCC “INVET”, including recommended areas and methods of their application, please visit: